Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Once upon a midnight dreary

First things first.

IT'S ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS OUTSIDE. Everything's covered in a fine layer of white. Except. The snow's so fucking deep that I can't go outside because, well, I don't own snowshoes.

Anyways, for the topic of the day: I'm now officially an insomniac.

Recently (i.e. after exam season) I've started a trend of staying awake until around 6 in the morning (cs:s sessions, anime/manga marathoning, etc.) and then waking up sometime later in the evening. It's gotten to the degree that I'd forego sleep for a day because, well, it's already too bright outside for me to fall asleep. And it's winter time now.

I've learned several things during this time:

1. It gets rather lonely at night, mainly because there's nobody online (baaawwww).
2. You can never have too much coffee.
3. Gaming skill is apparently not affected by degree of wakefulness >.>
4. Girls with yaoi complexes can be scary things, indeed.
5. IRC Mafia is even more messed up than its real-life counterpart.
5.5. Spreading AIDS can be fun.
6. 2D is awesome.

Needless to say I'm oftentimes not-quite-here during the time when most people are most active. Sorry for the Rock Band suckage you know.

(Incidentally, someone broke the drum pedals yesterday, har har.)

I bought Left 4 Dead a week ago, and I must say it's the most fun I've had in a multiplayer, perhaps to date. Playing as the survivors isn't much fun though; in that regard it's much the same as any other shooter out there: enemies come, point and click, move on (although I must say the AI is superb and the graphics are pretty). What's REALLY awesome is playing as the special Infected. You lurk in the darkness/corner/rooftop and wait as an unsuspecting Survivor runs past. Online griefing at its best.

There is one character that ilicits some unintended comedy though. Zoey the cute, Chuck Taylor-wearing college chick. One has to wonder about her sleeping arrangements, trapped in "safe rooms" with three other men. Anyhow, there is a new rule in place: Zoey MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO DIE during games, as she is the last hope of mankind. Which leads to some hilarious situations, as the special Infected almost invariably target her during versus games, leading to exclamations of genuine grief and rage.

One last thing. Christmas is almost here! And it seems like we'll get one with snow, for once.

For those of you lacking fe/male comfort this holiday season: string up some mistletoe on a streetlamp, and lie in wait (should be easy with all this snow around). Then when an unsuspecting passerby passes spring your trap. Flawless victory!

p.s. Santa Claus is a fucking pedo, seriously. I mean, why else would he know where ALL THE KIDS IN THE WORLD live, as well as a list of who's been NAUGHTY OR NICE? Definitely suspicious. The FBI should keep him on the watchlist. That is all.


chuu said...

Okay, I'm going to take this one step at a time:
@title: I SWEAR I read that as "midget"..... I don't know why. Maybe because it's coming from you.

Lucky bastard. I bet I could go sunbathing at the beach just about now... I'd go out into the snow even if I were in my slippers! ha

Dude you should totally IM me, kuz I'm up 'til 3-4...5 6 or 7 (kidding about the last) almost daily. I've been totally absorbed into the world of manga...

Agreed about the yaoi complex. My friend's a yaoi freak.. Oh man when she sees a manga which even just remotely hints at it... Jus, run for your life!

There's an IRC mafia? What chan?

Why is it a 5.5... ? That just makes the AIDS spreading even MORE scary.

I much prefer 5D myself.

"perhaps to date" I thought you were talking about going on a date with the game because it was THAT good.

I hope all your snow melts. You hear me? MELTS!

I like the way you think.... but I'd add a boobie trap to the mistletoe theory, just to make sure I keep my victimes.... hehehee

Santa died, man. ): He crashed into one of the towers. The media didn't want the horror to spead, though, so they just said it was a terror attack.
I'm sorry you had to hear the news from me.

tonytung said...

Left 4 Dead? Nice. What system do you have it for?

You know that I will ask you to bring it to the event on the 27th.

Vassily Chung said...

Wow, chuu, thanks for the comment <33

1. I'M NOT ACTUALLY THAT SHORT I'm probably around your height ._.
2. Seriously? You're never on IRC though. But I'll take you up on that on one of my ronerier days.
3. Twilight fangirls are scarier, actually.
4. #detcetorp on irchighway.
5. I hope it melts too. Going outside is a bitch.
6. Okay, that would be too much trouble. I just want one kiss. JUST ONE. Not a rape conviction :(
7. So it was SANTA...what an ass. War against Santa, anyone?

@Tony: for the PC. It runs horribly though.

chuu said...


1. I never said you were short. gawd. you're so selfcentered. How tall are you? Kuz maybe I WILL have to call you short.

2. I'm on msn tho. D: Like all the cool kids


4. Oh I was thinking more along the lines of... #ST_TWG or sth..

5. -skip-

6. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

7. Can I keep ane elf?

Vassily Chung said...

1. 5'8" ish? 170cm.
7. No.