Time and the Earth stood still. I was flabbergasted. What the heck is this guy trying to pull? Is he trying to...I don't even want to describe it, otherwise I'd have to change the content rating for this blog. His pelvis was literally ten centimeters from the girl's face. The girl had her legs wrapped around his legs and he was bending over and oh God I can't continue this.
Message to all you budding exhibitionalist porn stars out there: please don't do this on a fast moving train. After all, if it comes to a sudden stop, inertia may cause certain...stuff...to fly in my direction. So please. Backyard or something, please.
XD As always, a GREAT way to start off my morning is to read your posts!
Was it PG13?! Or just PG? D: You don't have to rate your comments page, TELL ME!
Ummmm, well...it's hard to describe unless you were actually there. His jeans were kinda tight and he was just kinda moving back and forth in front of the girl's face.
I HONESTLY don't know why he was doing it. Probably wouldn't want to know either :x
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