Monday, September 22, 2008


UBC is full of scary Asian males. Just ask the animu clubbu.

But I digress.

So today I saw a girl wearing a skirt. Nothing special, you say. After all, girls the world over (except in Fundamentalist Islamic countries) wear skirts. But this girl, my friends, shall go down in the annals of history as the one skirt wearer who will change the destiny of mankind.

For this girl was also riding a bicycle.

I'll leave it to you to realize the ramifications of such an act.

p.s. I think I kinda had an o____O face on when I was looking at her 'cuz she stared at me for a second. It was a combination of 1. How could anyone be so stupid and 2. More girls should be like her. Man, I'm such a pervert.


tonytung said...

Two words: camera phone.

bleep said...

isn't that quite common?
unless, of course, she wasn't wearing any underwear. hah. hur-hur.

Vassily Chung said...

No, it was one of those...short pleated skirts. We're thinking of different lengths.