I hate how my friends laugh at me instead of helping me extract my foot when I accidentally get it stuck between two rocks while picking up
UBC's been going well for me this year, so far. The new agenda is bloody awesome, as it has a picture of a tree (?) on its cover. Oh yea, and the binding doesn't suck ass. I may actually use it, just like I may actually attend all my classes. Cue sarcastic laughter here.
I'm also registered for EOSC 116. For the uninitiated, EOSC is the course code for Earth and Ocean Sciences. And what is EOSC 116 about, and why am I so delirious with joy, you ask? Because it's about DINOSAURS. That's right. You heard it. DINOSAURS. Which other university would have a class as epic as studying fucking DINOSAURS???!? Certainly not SFU, ha ha.
And you can bet yer ass I'm bringing plastic Jurassic Park velociraptor models to the first class.
In a totally unrelated note, a Kingsway Sushi staff apparently plays Half-Life 2. How do I know? Take a look at this:

Now take a look at this:
See the similarity there? I bet there's a sushi maker out there somewhere, wondering how he'd integrate a Vortigaunt into a spicy tuna cone.
p.s. What sort of sick pervert would come up with erotic fanfiction for Jurassic Park? All my precious childhood memories of the movie have been sullied, thanks to someone's story of raptor on raptor...God, I can't even finish this. I hope he gets run over by a school bus full of six-year-olds.
douglas college and im pretty sure SFU do?
I dont know I really dont know what to write and carfin (you should call him taht i think it bugs him) keeps saying the same thing.. im sure he will write soon.
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