1.I have never kissed a girl.
2.Contrary to popular belief, I am not a weeaboo. I merely enjoy spouting random Japanese phrases at inopportune times desu.
3.My dad buys most of my clothes for me. Especially pants. Without him, I'd be pantless.
4.I think music elitists are idiots. That said, THE JONAS BROTHERS FUCKING SUCK.
5.I am not actually “ronery”. I just tend to indulge in the more melancholic aspects of life. Although, I don't think anyone will believe me when I say this.
6.The only book/movie/etc. to make me cry, ever, was Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque. Hitler probably read the book and decided that since Jews were so depressing, he'd kill them all.
7.I prefer Pepsi over Coke.
8.I'm so skinny, people frequently mistake me for an anorexic. That said, girls are often jealous of my svelte figure.
9.I love (Asian) horror movies. Problem is, all of my friends are pansies so I never actually get to watch any.
10.I don't think I'm a very interesting person. It's only been 9 points and I'm already running out of things to say about myself.
11.I am not against lolicon. I may not endorse it, but I am also not against it. Take that as you will.
12.My iPod is my best friend. I forget my cellphone, keys, and wallet, but never my iPod.
13.Roulette by System of a Down is my favourite song at this exact moment in time.
14.I browse 4chan, but only /a/, /v/, and sometimes /ck/.
15.Sometimes I surprise even myself with my immaturity.
16.That's what SHE said.

So ronery ;_;
this doesn't count for last thursday's missed post, you know!
Two thursdays in a row!
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