Why the fuck do people feel the urge to express emotion through their MSN screen name? Here, take a note at this:
Take a closer look at the eighth dude down (yea, it's a dude; emo girls are non-existent, you pervert). "Am I blind or am I a fool? - 1 cut for every day she's not here for me"
Seriously mate. Just...why?
1. The girl's hardly going to change in her feelings for you, just because you're threatening to harm yourself. Unless her name is Jesus.
2. Cutting is bad for you. Seriously. Just ask that guy from My Chemical Romance. Cutting caused him to release the gong show that was The Black Parade.
3. Okay, so maybe cutting is a way in which you express yourself. Sexually. After all, Mr. Trudeau did say something about the government having no business in the nation's bedrooms. But do you really need to tell the world about your sick, sick fantasies of bloody bathtubs and moist razors? I think not.
4. Assuming that the man in question actually means this as a joke, a reflection of the state of today's society, if you will. Then the fact that someone (like me) is making a blog post ridiculing him makes it distinctly unfunny. People are supposed to laugh with you, not at you, amirite?
But I digress.
So why do people often express their moods through their screen names? As we speak, someone is indubitably changing their handle to something along the lines of ...uhhh..."i miss u so much baby, pls come bak 2 me soon otherwise i'll take this knife and slice off my fucking ear".
Okay, so I made that up. But seriously, guys. Expressing your innermost hopes, desires, fears, over the internet? Discounting the fact that communicating via the internet is about as impersonal as one can get, and no one's likely to care anyways, why do people still do it?
Well, once upon a time, whenever I saw someone with anything like a sad face (did you see what I did there?) in their handle, I'd immediately message them and ask them what was wrong. But as it went on, I realized that most of their problems were quite...petty, in the grand scheme of things. (Asian) failed tests, break ups, and the like. Typical teenage drama.
So maybe I'm being a bit of an arrogant douche here, but grow the fuck up, people. The world, believe it or not, revolves around the sun, not you. Regardless of your mark on that Chemistry test, the sun will rise tomorrow, crude oil will still be ridiculously expensive, and George Bush will still be a retard. So suck it up, princess. You may talk about your troubles to someone with a sympathetic ear, but for the love of [insert deity here], don't broadcast your angst through the excessive use of "3's" in your screen name.
Because everytime you do that, God infects a kitten with AIDS.
P.S. Some may think this post is a bit ironic, with the whole me being considered "emo" bit. If you know me well enough, you'll know that I'm not really the...cutter type, so I won't bother explaining about this bit here.
P.P.S. According to Reuters, 100% of males enjoyed, in varying degrees, this movie, whereas 100% of females did not enjoy it. So if you're a guy, watch it. If you're a girl...watch it anyways, then come back and complain to me how much the movie sucked, so I can prove to you that Jay Chou sucks cucumbers.
//edit: Well, I just read over my post again, and I realize that I do, in fact, sound like an arrogant douche. Or well. Yay me. If the game of life had Steam achievements, I've just completed the one for Douchebaggery.
I've seen so many of those "I'm-so-emo-I'll-slice-my-wrists" or misplaced quoting from self-pitying songs that apathy strikes before I even think.
This teen angst tends to be displayed for no other reason than a vain attempt to look uh, more mature.
Well, song lyrics I can excuse, if the song's any good.
But, uhh, to look more mature? How does that actually work?
Would that refer to the depth of the cut, perchance?
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