Sunday, February 15, 2009

Post V-Day Stress Disorder

Ahh spring, the magical time of ye-WAIT NONE OF THAT NOW, WAKE UP.

I still remember in elementary school, when everyone gave everyone V-Day cards. Then as we got older, the number of cards would diminish every year (for me, anyway). At around grade 4, the influx of cards would stop. So ronery ;_;

But anyway, that wasn't the story I wanted to tell today.

A couple of friends and I were walking down to the delicious local Burger King for some post-work dinner (yea, I worked on the 14th), and lo and behold, one of them suddenly exclaims...

Friend 1: Hey guys! There a chick crying in that cafe!
Me: Where? Lets go comfort her!
Friend 1: She probably got dumped by her boyfriend on Valentine's Day.
Friend 2: Maybe it's just because of the economy.
Me: If it was the economy, she should've been crying yesterday.

What interesting friends I have.

In conclusion, the moral of the story is: no matter how lonely and depressed you think you are, there is always, always, someone more lonely and depressed than you. So if you put everything into context, your life ain't that bad afterall.
